Event Overview
‘Speak the truth here’ is a therapist’s invitation to their client – but is the same true for the therapist? Can and should psychotherapists speak honestly with clients and share the difficult truths about the client that they experience in the work? What are the limits and the implications of speaking up?
And equally, what are the implications of the therapist choosing to conceal what they congruently experience? What impact does this have on the relationship, on the client and, equally, on the psychotherapist?
In his new book, ‘Telling the Truth: The Therapist’s Dilemma’, Rob Hill engages with these and other questions. Linking them to related territories – shame, power, love and hate, narcissism, intersubjectivity and madness – and inviting the reader to consider them from a fresh perspective. Presented in essay form interspersed with ‘stories’ which focus on Rob’s inner reactions to working with various clients, the book seeks to evoke curiosity and reflection rather than definitive answers.
In the webinar, Rob will present some of the material in the book and hope to spark an interactive discussion on the promises and pitfalls of ‘truthtelling’ in psychotherapy.
This webinar will focus on the psychotherapy field, although other fields may find the discussion of interest and most suited to senior trainees and qualified psychotherapists. £24 members/£48. non-members.
This event will not be recorded.
Ticket sales will end Wednesday 28th May at noon.
The Zoom Link will be sent out to all participants the day before the event.