Radical-Relational Perspectives: Oppression, Alienation, Reclamation – Karen Minikin

This workshop offers opportunity to explore the transferential relationship through the perspectives of Oppression, Alienation, and Reclamation. Drawing on our personal stories and readings from her book, (Radical-Relational Perspectives in TA Psychotherapy to be available from the 21st of September 2023), there will be opportunity to illustrate, explore and deconstruct dynamics through our discussions with...

£15.00 – £30.00

What happens when autism is named in the family? – Tess Elliott

This three-session CPD course will take place on Oct 30th, Nov 20th, and Dec 11th. This course is designed to offer the opportunity to explore the impact on life when a family member identifies/is identified as autistic. We will open a space for dialogue and exploration to consider the unique impact on each of our...

£45.00 – £90.00

TASTN-UK networking event.

TASTN-UK is hosting a networking event for suitably qualified supervisors and trainers of TA – in London on the 7th of November 2023. Please use the link below for more information. https://padlet.com/AndyWilliamsTSTA/tastn-uk-8qvt9hga69k19c9o  

Ego States – A Round Table Discussion Heather Fowlie, Adrienne Lee, Charlotte Sills and Keith Tudor

Berne drew on many different influences while developing his thinking about ego states, particularly during the early days of expounding transactional analysis theory. By the time of his death, in 1970, he had presented several variations of his original structural ego state model, which was typical of the creative, integrative, and developmental approach to theory...

£20.00 – £40.00

Queer identities and GSRD inclusive practice – Victoria Baskerville (She/Her)

This workshop will reflect on Queer identities including Trans, Non-binary, and gender fluid identities, and working across all GSRD, Gender Sex Relationship, and Diversity. The importance of pronouns will be explored. Queer theory will be mused, calling for dialogue around the evolving of social and political constructs. We will reflect on the limits of the...

£15.00 – £30.00

What happens when autism is named in the family? – Tess Elliott (Part 2)

The second part of this three part series. This course is designed to offer the opportunity to explore the impact on life when a family member identifies/is identified as autistic. We will open a space for dialogue and exploration to consider the unique impact on each of our personal relationships and lives. We will look...

LIMINALITY – Carole Shadbolt

A sensitivity to a Liminal state of being, or becoming, with our clients creates transitional spaces of engagement and healthy redefining. In this webinar, I will introduce the creative notion...

£15.00 – £30.00

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